Mónica Solórzano
October 11, 2021 | México
Conversation Cafe 4: Gender, health, and poverty: an intersectional approach to urban sustainability challenges
We invite you all to be part of our last session of the series of Conversation cafe with:
Ana Ortigoza, Senior Research Scientist II at Urban Health Collaborative- Drexel University-USA
In this session, she will share with the Breathable Cities community her research experiences and reflections around the topic: Gender, health, and poverty: an intersectional approach to urban sustainability challenges.
Type in your questions for Ana in the comments.
To know more about Ana Ortigoza download their professional profile
Join via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82388246144?pwd=V0Z2R1JjeVNua0p3ZFEvZlBTakU0Zz09
ID de reunión: 823 8824 6144
Código de acceso:089887